Friday, September 14, 2007

Lafrançaise, classe de 5°3 G1&G2

44°08' NLafrançaise (FR)+81,6 cm -->N+ 39°10'
00°00'Equateur- 6,3 cm-->S- 03°35'

  • Le midi solaire est correct:
  • autour de 13h50
    La longueur de l'ombre est trop courte d'environ 8cm.
    Il faudra revoir le réglage de la verticalité du gnomon.

  • Solar noon is correct, around 1:50pm
  • The length of the shadow is 8cm shorter than it should be.
    It will be necessary to re-examine the adjustment of the verticality of the gnomon.

  • Après vérification, l'éphéméride du prof est aussi à revoir , autour de l'équinoxe d'automne.

  • After checking, the ephemeride of the teacher is also to re-examine, around the autumnal equinox.

    Antonin Perbosc said...

    message from/message de/mensaje de:
    Lic. Daniel A. Cuch
    Museo de Ciencias
    Municipalidad de Cañada de Gómez

    Mediremos el 19 ó 20 de setiembre.
    We will measure 19 or 20 of September.
    Nous mesurerons 19 ou 20 septembre.

    Antonin Perbosc said...

    message from/message de/mensaje de:
    Dolores Fegan, Home School
    Lincoln County, Stanford, KY USA

    I am sorry that I was not able to contact you before now. My computer has crashed and I didn't get the email until. Friday evening. If you would like a measurement on a different day we can do that. I will be checking my email from another computer every morning so I won't get behind with this project.